Staging Environment
This is test environment, all tickets purchased here will not be usable

What is Brand Resource?

What is Brand Resource?

Brand resources is a design kit consisted of logo, templates and general rules when using Eventpop brand assets.

We aims to make our organizer’s life easier by collecting every brand assets into one place and prepared it as ready-to-use assets.

Eventpop Badge

Eventpop Badge is the tag, symbol, or sign that event creators can put on their poster or promotional artwork to let potential clients know that they have to register or purchase a ticket via Eventpop.

Eventpop Logo

Badge Variations

We separated Badges into different categories to better suit your creator event type.

  1. Ticket Badge : To be used in the context that the event wants to sell or reserve a ticket and collect a free/paid ticket (e.g., concert, festival, or fair).
  2. Register Badge : To be used in the context of an event trying to let goers register or reserve seats (e.g., seminar, marathon).
  3. Booking Badge : For an online booking in advance (e.g., zoo, hotel voucher).
  4. More Info Badge : For an event that the creator wants to promote on Eventpop website.
Eventpop Logo

Colors & Scale

We prepared our badge as a ready-to-use asset with appropriate space. You can place it on any corner.

We preferred our primary colors on white or light background but you can also use black badge on lighter background or white badge on darker background as seen on the examples.

Please keep our proportion and scale as in the template

Eventpop Badge
(.eps .png format)

Logo Usage

Eventpop Logo Logo Usage

When to use?

You can use our logo on your event cover, poster and social media contents presenting the event.

Colors & Scale

We prepared our logo as a ready-to-use asset with appropriated space. You can place it on any corner without worrying too much.

We preferred our primary colors (Eventpop’s Blue) on white or light background but you can also use black logo on lighter background or white logo on darker background as seen on the examples.

Please keep our logo proportion and scale as in the template

Eventpop Logo
(.ai .png format)

Event Cover & Poster

Cover Template Guide Cover Template
<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.brand_resource.event_cover_poster.logo_poster.alt_image.poster_guide">Poster Guide</span>
Poster Template

Logo on Cover

We prepared our logo assets as we would preferred it to be on our event cover.

  • Smallest logo size 100x100 px
  • Smallest badge size 100x100 px

Logo on Poster

Our template consisted of event cover and poster with branding elements in their optimal size.

Event Cover & Poster Template
(.ai .psd .sketch format)



Only using our word-mark logo when displaying partnership between partners.

Logo & Partnership Template
(.ai .psd .png format)